This week will be another full one for the PTO.
☞ We'll be having a carnival planning meeting on Thursday at 6:30 at school.
☞New volunteers will begin to be called help out with various projects. If we don't call within this first week, that's actually a good thing. We've got so many volunteers to personally call it will take some time.
☞Volunteer lists will be handed out to faculty, so they have the ability to ask for help as needed.
☞Our "Got 10 minutes?" station downstairs in the old office workroom will be set up, for those of us who need short tasking (more information on this will be posted later this week).
☞Spirit Wear orders will be filled and/or orders placed for delivery within 3 weeks.
☞Friday during lunch, the school store will be open.
☞Setup and organization of the old office as a PTO work area will continue.
☞Faculty Bathrooms will be spruced up.
☞Box Tops information goes home and contests start.
☞Accelerated Reading is starting up. Our Silicone Bracelets for different AR levels will be arriving in about a week. Check out the new bulletin board across from the office in the kindergarten hall.
☞The PTO board will met to discuss specifics of the budget, planning and vote on a few issues. This will take place after the carnival meeting on Thursday, everyone is welcome to attend.
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